Friday, June 24, 2005

My beautiful blue-eyed baby.

Look out, here I come!

Reading by sunlight

"Let's see, if I tip the waste basket, how many papers can I play with?"

"Helping" clean the office

Noah "How can I help Mommy?"

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

It's A Girl!

We had our ultrasound yesterday and although the tech said she can't be 100%, she said it looks like a girl. According to my mom, she's alreay bought some girl clothes. Of course, she went out and bought more yesterday.
We're absolutely thrilled with the news. Doc says she looks healthy and is progressing naturally. Official due date is still November 22nd, but we know she'll make an earlier appearance, by will or by pitocin!

Monday, June 13, 2005

week 17

All is well in the land of the pregnant lady. Went to the dr. last week for a routine check up. Everything is fine, no problems. Heard the heartbeat at about 158 bpm. Next Tuesday is the ultrasound where we will be finding out what we're having.

Noah is doing terrific. Getting smarter and talking more everyday. Although, we can't always understand him, he still likes to carry on conversations with us or his toys, or as you can see below our phones!