Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Rather than impose upon you all the pictures I took today of the kids playing with their new kitchen, click this link to bring you to a new (and easier for me) photo album.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Daddy's little sweetheart

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Somebody got into the apple stash and decided to leave little teeth marks in several pieces of fruit!!

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Toys Toys Toys

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Tears of Joy

Wally did it this year, he made me cry. he bought my dream camera. A digital slr camera that is exactly like the film camera I've had for 12 years. This camera takes digital pictures just like a film camera with no delay. I've gone a little crazy over the last 2 days and have taken over 100 pictures. And that was after we opened our presents. Those earlier pics are with my old camera. Christmas dinner and beyond are with the new. Simply amazing. I was blown away to say the least. What a wonderful treat for me and our children.

The wonder and beauty of Christmas

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Christmas toys for good little girls and boys

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It's Christmas, All Over

Yes Noah, there is a Santa Claus

And he ate all your cookies

He's already gone up the chimney

But we're happy as can be!

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