Monday, August 08, 2005

25 weeks

Sorry, haven't posted in a while. Not much to say at this point. Pregnancy is going well. Saw the doc last week and now he's talking about me having an ultrasound at 36 weeks to check her size. That will be October 25th. So, I'm guessing that if she's a normal size we'll induce any time after that. Either way, she'll be here early November at the latest. I don't think we'll go past 38 weeks as long as everything seems healthy.

Noah is doing good. We went to MGM this past weekend and had a blast. I'll have some pictures up soon. He seems to be talking more everyday. His favorite words are "uh-oh" and "buh-bye" but he can also say mama, daddy, hi, dog, shoes and I'm sure a few others we haven't figured out yet.

I do so wish it'd cool off here...

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