Friday, September 22, 2006

Seriously, updates are needed

So, I know it's been a while since I've updated. Things have been busy to say the least. We had a nice but long trip in Michigan. It was good but a little too long.
While we were there, Gloria got her two top teeth. In August, another two arrived on the bottom and currently the two more on the top are making their way down. Gloria is also standing on her own. She's getting brave and letting go of things and just standing there. She's also walking with me even better. She doesn't lean anymore. She's seems to really enjoy it. And, my fingers are crossed, she's sleeping better. She takes nice naps in the afternoon and sleeps all night, or only wakes once. This morning, she slept until 6, then came to bed with me and cuddled and fell back to sleep until 7:45. It was very nice.
Noah started potty training. So far it's not too bad. We're in a pretty good routine now. He doesn't always tell me yet when he needs to go, but if I ask, he's usually pretty compliant. He's also repeating a lot more of what we say. Doesn't necessarily say it on his own. But he understands everything. His current obsessions include Jo Jo's Circus, Mickey Mouse and Cars (both the movie and anything on wheels.) Pictures are to follow....

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