Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Now that's what I call progress

Good news from the doctor today. I did progress naturally. I am currently at 3-4 cm. Doc called the hospital to schedule my induction for next Wednesday, the 9th. I'm VERY happy with that date. It's superstitious, I know, but everyone in our little family has a birthday on a multiple of 9. Mine is Jan. 9, Noah's is Feb. 18 and Wally's is Jan. 27. So, if I get to choose which day my daughter is born, I'm going to go for the 9th. Now, she could still decide she wants to come out on her own earlier, and that's fine too. But holy cow! That's next week!! I feel like I have so much to do, but I'm not sure what I need to get done. I guess a clean house would be on the top of that list.
In other news, we had a great Halloween night last night. We put Noah in his costume and he helped pass out treats. Or rather, he ran up and down the sidewalks and one of us chased him. We just went to a couple of neighbors to get candy for him. He had got a boatload from daycare earlier that day. Here's some pics of the little dalmation having fun.

We can barely contain our excitement

He was running like this the whole night!

Noah, enjoying some candy before the wrapper is even off!

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