Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Progress naturally

I hate those words. I really wanted to have a schedule today. It would have made my life, well, scheduled. Which, when you have a toddler and sister who lives 45 minutes away that will take care of him, it would be easier to be scheduled. But, grumbling aside, she is still perfect. She's measuring more like she's 37 1/2 weeks. (I'm actually 36) and we're guessing around 7.2 pounds right now. He said that could vary either way, so she could be anywhere from 6.5 to 8 pounds. I'm only dilated about 1 cm. So, he wants to take a wait and see approach for right now and let me "progress naturally." I'm not sure what I expected. I guess I was really hoping that we'd say, ok on this day, we'll go to the hospital. But, I'm still under the impression from the doc that we will not go full term, or even to 39 weeks. Might be 38 or 38 1/2. I guess the overall word is "Stay Tuned for Coming Attractions..."

In other news, Noah has learned the word No and how to use it properly. But it's more like "Noo-oooo" whenever we do something he doesn't like. And he's proudly reaching his terrible twos tantrum phase. He cries and throws himself on the floor when he doesn't get his way. Too bad it doesn't bother us and he still doesn't get his way. Good thing is, this only happens at home right now. Oh boy is he in for it when Gloria arrives!

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