Friday, June 09, 2006

Once Upon a Potty

yep that's right, we've entered the world of potty training, so, for those of you who might be squeamish on this topic, I suggest you skip this post.
Noah started all on his own the other day by telling us he had to go pee. We've been talking to him about it for a while now but hadn't really planned on doing anything about it until after our 20 hour road trip up north. Well, I guess we can't deny he's starting to be ready. I still remind him to go and find that letting him run bare-butt around the house is the best way to get him to notice he has to go. So far he's gone about once or twice a day. Today was more. The funny part of this story... when he sits down to go pee, after he's done, he looks at me and says "more?" like I can make more come out of there!!

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